Monday, December 26, 2005


I decided to get a head start on the new year by jumping on the blogger bandwagon. If you can't beat them, join them - right? Not sure I have anything to say on a regular basis that you will be interested in reading but I guess we'll soon find out.

Ever wonder how a writer's mind works? I've always said that a writer's mind is wired a bit differently. We look at life, people, and everyday situations from a different perspective. The two most important words in our vocabulary are; "What if?" Every person we meet has the potential to be a character, every situation a possible scene that adds realism and emotion, every song a title or plot, every location we visit an exciting setting for a book. The possibilities are endless. People often ask me where I get the ideas for my stories and the best response I can offer is; "Where don't I?" The ideas come faster than I can write them, proven by my ever expanding note book of plots, titles, potential characters, and scenes to be used at a later date.

Hopefully you'll find my REFLECTIONS on daily events and news about my work interesting enough to stop by often.


Mary Ellen Ashman said...

Gasp! I've been thinking about a paranormal short story about an antique mirror and a ghost within... the title: REFLECTIONS!
Welcome to the world of blogging and thank you for linking me! Bring on 2006!!!

You go girl!

Kay Wilde said...

LOL - Yet another example of great minds thinking alike!

Mary Ellen Ashman said...

Or... 'lesser seldom differ'. Nah- I like yours better!!

Kelley said...

hey Kay1 glad you got a blog going! I'll have to remember to check it regularly.